
医院的综合服务能力不断提升,编制病床3000张,临床科室43个,医技科室11个,中医特色病区38个;专科门诊40个,专病门诊61个,有400余名专家、教授在门诊为病员服务。中医特色鲜明和中医优势突出,2018年门急诊量235.5万人次,年出院病人6万人次,开展中医诊疗技术项目82项,1.5T核磁共振(1台)、3.0T核磁共振(1台)、64排128层及16排螺旋CT(共3台)、X射线血管造影系统、直接数字化放射成像系统、乳腺X射线摄影系统、全自动生化免疫流水线等万元以上医疗设备2460余台,设备总值5亿元。现有中药小包装饮片480种,免煎颗粒395种,直服饮片22种,中成药410余种。医院制剂15种剂型,99个品种,其中中药特色制剂89个。2018年全院门诊中药处方占比71.88%,门诊中药饮片处方比例达50.18%, 充分发挥了“一人一方”临方加工在中药治疗中的特色,开展的传统饮片膏方古法熬制,中医药临床优势持续得到突显。



Founded in 1957, Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of TCM is a Grade III class A traditional Chinese medicine hospital with 3000 beds, 43 clinical departments, 11 medical technical departments, and 38 traditional Chinese medicine wards. It offers six branches of  academic disciplines including scientific research, health maintenance, health care and  rehabilitation, etc.

It is the national Chinese medicine eye disease medical center, the National Chinese medicine emergency medical center, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the clinical base of Chinese medicine, integrated Chinese and Western medicine emergency and infectious  disease clinical base.

As the leading unit of the nationaSlubptiitlleoHterpe roject of clinical cooperation between Traditional Chinese and Western medicine for major and difficult diseases — diabetes and complications treatment, the hospital cooperated with West China Hospital of Sichuan University to carry out the  complementary and coordinated treatment of diabetes and complications with traditional Chinese  and western medicine.

The Hospital Clinical Laboratory (ISO 15189) is an medical laboratory accredited by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS), and has becoming the third clinical medical institution in the province to be accredited by this accreditation, which indicates  that the hospital has acquired the quality management and inspection capability of international  standards.