宏泰医疗保健集团 HTHC Group
从去年初开始筹备,引进中国最先进的人工智能AI系统-视网膜病变检测 科技,为马来西亚高达360万名糖尿病患者以及广大的人民服务。
在本地,通过先进的眼底照相机检测,直接通过WIFI传送到中国银海眼科 专科医院总部,经过100万个大数据的分析、筛选、对比,再由专家团队 审核,发出专业的评估报告,传回本地的检测中心。
再由本地的检测中心,直接发到每个人的 手机APP上面,即刻可以了解本身眼睛是否有严重的黄斑病变,出血,肿瘤,视网 膜脱落等病症,即时寻找医疗对策!
马来西亚宏泰医疗保健集团刘友财董事长,与中国成都中医大银海眼科专科医院 段俊国院长,在双方董事及众多专家见证下,于新加坡签署合作伙伴协议。
对于眼底视网膜检查,白内障,青光眼,尤其是马来西亚高达300万名糖尿病患 者及各种并发症的治疗。中西结合,资源共享,互补优势,为众多病患者带来福 音。
将通过马来西亚卫生部的支持,尽快普及到全国各地。将来更以此作为平台,共同 开拓全球市场。
Hong Thai Health Care SDN. BHD was founded in 2009. In the past few years, our company has outsourced a few government project (China’s kidney dialysis center SOP management system, government hospital MRI, CT SCAN equipment, health tourism resort project, etc.) At present, our group owns a Traditional Chinese Medicine clinic and diabetes prevention and treatment center, 6 mmol Tea House, TCM cosmetology center and Hong-style Taiji and music therapy center.
Starting from the very beginning of 2018, we have introduced the most advanced artificial intelligence AI system in China, the Retinopathy detection technology, hope to serve 3.6 million diabetic patients and the vast majority of people in Malaysia.
We have collaborated with Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu Ineye Eye Specialist Hospital, Shengshijie Technology Group and Chongqing Kanghua Technology Group to bring in this cutting-edge technology, the Fundus retinopathy screening system (RM 150,000 per unit), which retina imaging can be remotely analyzed to diagnose Eye Disease.